General Partner description

Schmitz One Seven GmbH plans, develops, produces and maintains modern fire extinguishing systems according to national and international standards (VdS, DIN, EN FM, NFPA). Since 1995 the company specialized in compressed air foam systems (CAFS). Today One Seven is the global technology leader in this segment of firefighting. In mobile firefighting One Seven cooperates with various vehicle manufactures and equips fire engines with innovative compressed air foam systems. Fixed fire extinguishing systems give safety in recycling plants, in petrochemical plants, on heliports, on offshore platforms and in road tunnels.

Role in TREEADS project

One Seven will participate in WP1 Project Management, WP2 Understanding the Lifecycle of Wildfires, WP4 TREEADS Socio-Technological Solutions for Prevention and Preparedness, WP5 TREEADS Socio- Technological Solutions for Detection and Response, WP8 TREEADS Pan-European Pilot Campaign, WP9 Market Shaping, Scale-up Business Models and Socio-Economic Impact and WP10 TREEADS Outreach and Awareness Generation.

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