General Partner description

The Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania (CIHEAM/MAICh) is a constituent Institute of the International Centre of Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies (CIHEAM). CIHEAM is an Intergovernmental Organization composed of 13 Member States (Albania, Algeria, Egypt, France, Greece, Italy, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia and Turkey) and it operates through its 4 Institutes based in Bari (Italy), Chania (Greece), Montpellier (France) and Zaragoza (Spain) and the Headquarters based in Paris. CIHEAM/MAICh focuses on the provision of postgraduate education and the implementation of high standard research at regional, national and European level in the fields of Business Economics; Food Quality; Geoinformation in Environmental Management; Horticultural Genetics and Biotechnology; and Sustainable Agriculture. The Institute maintains close links with academics and prestigious higher education and research Institutes. It has successfully participated in or/and coordinated numerous EU and national competitively funded programs, and has organized EU and International seminars. CIHEAM-MAICh contributes in the task of establishing a Mediterranean agricultural research area through its involvement in numerous scientific research programmes (particularly under the European Union’s Framework Programmes) in close collaboration with national partners in the North and South Mediterranean.

Role in TREEADS project

CIHEAM-MAICh will contribute to the following tasks:

WP1: Project Management (1M)

WP2: Understanding the Lifecycle of Wildfires (3M)

  • Task 2.3: Prevention and Preparedness Understanding and Technical Requirement (M1-M21)
  • Task 2.4: Detection and Response Understanding and Technical Requirement (M1-M21)
  • Task 2.5: Restoration and Adaptation Understanding and Technical Requirement (M1-M21)

WP8: TREEADS Pan-European Pilot Campaign (10M)

  • Task 8.8: Pilot use case 7: Greek pilot – Samaria Gorge (M13-M40)

WP9: Market Shaping, Scale-up Business Models and Socio-Economic Impact (3M)

  • Task 9.1: Market Analysis and Strategy Definition (M10-M42)
  • Task 9.2: Socio-Economical Sustainability Analysis and Funding Models (M10-M42)
  • Task 9.3: TREEADS Ecosystem Business Models and Uptake Roadmap (M10-M42)

WP10: TREEADS Outreach and Awareness Generation (4M)

  • Task 10.1: TREEADS Dissemination and Communication Plan (M1-M42)
  • Task 10.2: TREEADS Outreach and Dissemination Activities (M1-M42)
  • Task 10.3: TREEADS Awareness Campaigns (M1-M42)
  • Task 10.4: TREEADS Workshops and Clustering Events (M1-M42)

Links to Digital Media





