General Partner description
IFR, Consultant Security-Fire -Safety & Disaster Management Training.
Build up extensive expertise based on national and international first responder activities in big forest fires and flooding disasters and worked as a technical specialist and employee in various associations and instituted in the field of security (e.g., VS, VB, TRVB, ON FNA172).
IFR has been involved in several national security studies on improving interoperability among first responders in Austria and is also involved as expert in the SKKM 2020 Strategy (National Crisis and Disaster Protection Management – Federal Ministry of the Interior).
IFR is a trained EU Civil Protection Team Leader and Liaison Officer and is permanently on duty in various crises within the framework of the EU mechanism in the following functions.
- District Head of Fire Brigade retired, District Mödling NÖ
- Member of the Firefighting Association of Lower Austria
- Brigadier Fire Brigade Lower Austria since 08.04.2011
- City Commander of the Fire Brigade Gumpoldskirchen 2001 – 2021
- Head of Staff, LEMA Lower Austria
- Liaison officer Government Lower Austria and Minister of Interior Austria
- Member and Communication Manager Fire Fighting Association of Austria SG 5.2 Disaster Management
- Trainer for Disaster Management in the Fire & Civil Protection Centers in NÖ, BGLD, OÖ, TIROL and STYRIA and SIAK /BMI
- Pilot with 1500 flying hours, SEP, MEP, GPL and UL
- Drone Pilot
Role in TREEADS project
The main role of IFR in TREEADS project is the design and development of implementing special trainings and skills education for first responder platform. The company will build scenarios for trainings and measurements methods with drones in real life for deep learning in case of forest fires. IFR will also implement drone flying during forest fighting actions and direct support to firefighters in real situations.
Finaly, IFR will participate and contribute in all meetings in the phases of the requirements, use cases, scenarios, forest fire tactical items and legal parts definition.