General Partner description

The Technical University of Denmark (DTU) is one of Europe’s elite technical universities. The Climate Economics and Risk Management (CERM) Section at the Department of Management, Technology and Economics is a transdisciplinary research unit specialized in economic and environmental risks related to e.g. wild fire, drought, storm, storm surges and flood. The CERM team comes with experience from a wide range of national and international research and innovation actions focused on modelling catastrophic risks and their economic implications for decision-support, emergency management, prevention and adaptation under both current and future climates, involving both the private and public sectors. This includes co-development of novel risk and insurance models, based on open data, state-of-the-art scientific codes, and insurance sector standards.

Role in TREEADS project

DTU’s primary role is to contribute expertise on environmental and climate risk management and assessment, economics, financial engineering and to develop state-of-the-art risk transfer and insurance models for governance (forest managers) and the insurance sector. DTU will develop a novel TREEADS impact and risk model for assessing the physical damages and risks related to wild fires in economic terms that can be used to analyze historical fire events, guide emergency management and fire prevention, and assess the intensified future fire risks due to climate change. The model will inform the development of improved insurance and risk transfer solutions to be explored together with stakeholders.

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