General Partner description

ACCELIGENCE Ltd is a Cyprus-based company established in 2019, providing advanced Robotics Solutions, focusing on Unmanned Automated Vehicles, haptics, and other robotic systems. Currently, ACCELIGENCE Ltd. is manufacturing its own UAV prototypes responding to various needs of different sectors taking advantage of the latest advances in AI and Robotics Engineering. The company is engaged in many cutting edge R&D activities to boost innovation capital, improve products and ensure alignment of the services to state-of-the-art, helping its customers and collaborators excel in the era of globalization, technology acceleration and climate change.

Role in TREEADS project

In TREEADS, ACCELIGENCE is leading the overall Outreach and Awareness Generation activities of the project, while contributing in a number of other managerial and technical tasks, related to the implementation of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) technologies tailored for wildfire fighting and management.

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