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TREEADS at the Sustainable Places Conference

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On the 8th and 9th of September, ACCELI, the leader of the overall Outreach and Awareness Generation activities of TREEADS, participated in the 10th annual edition of the Sustainable Places Conference (SP2022). SP2022 was held in Nice, France, over 4 days in a hybrid event format. Between opening and closing keynote sessions, parallel technical sessions and project-organized workshops explored the various conference themes.

TREEADS presented and communicated the goals and the methods set to address a number of major challenges that wildfires pose, building upon state-of-the-art high-TRL products, and uniting them in a holistic Fire Management Ecosystem.

The Sustainable Places Conference is an annual conference that aims to foster networking and clustering between multidisciplinary experts, working towards more sustainable places. The Sustainable Places Conference concerns researchers, urban planners, building designers, technology & material manufacturers, utility providers, standardization organizations, sociologists, economists, and consumers. The scope of the Sustainable Places Conference involves designing, building, and retrofitting the places we live and work in a more sustainable way.

Learn more about the Conference HERE.

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