The Copernicus Netzwerkbüro Wald (Copernicus Forest Network Office) organized the online Conference Brennglas – Waldbrand im Fokus, on 14th September 2022. TREEADS partner Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU), was presented the plan for a large-scale fire test regarding the vegetation fire hazards and smoke toxicity in European forests. This research was held at the University of Magdeburg.
The conference was intended to stimulate the exchange between fire brigades and science and to determine the need to contribute to forest fire prevention and control with coordinated projects in the future.
Almost 85 attendees of EU institutions, scientific community, technology partners, and stakeholders were joined this online conference. Attendee`s from TH Cologne and CCFireSense were referred to creating stronger and further exchange about their own fire tests.
We would like to thank the partner Lukas Heydick from Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg for the participation and the great presentation.