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Skogsbrand 2023

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The TREEADS project participated in a successful conference that was held in Östersund, Sweden, from March 22-23, 2023. The event had approximately 130 attendees from a diverse range of technology partners, research institutes, and stakeholders. During the conference, the RISE Fire Research partner presented the Norwegian pilot of the TREEADS project, with a focus on the fieldwork on coastal heathland and boreal forests in Norway.

It is worth mentioning that the conference was described as “Nordic” and was conducted primarily in Swedish, a language understood by residents of Sweden, Norway, Iceland, Denmark, and Finland.

Throughout the conference, attendees had the opportunity to engage in stimulating discussions and gain valuable knowledge and insights into the Norwegian pilot. The event was considered a great success and Swedish authorities and research institutes were very keen to learn from Norwegian experiences and culture for wildfire management.

We would like to thank all the attendees for their participation and the RISE Fire Research for the great presentation!

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