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Norwegian Pilot Stakeholder Workshop

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On the 9th of November 2022, TREEADS Norwegian Pilot Stakeholder Workshop was held in Oslo, Norway. More than 40 experts and stakeholders gathered to discuss about the major challenges regarding wildfires in Norway and first-hand insights on identifying good practice solutions in wildfire management were provided.

TREEADS Norwegian pilot aims to find solutions to protect the country’s forest areas. In particular, the Norwegian pilot focuses on fires in areas where populated areas and infrastructure meets nature (forest, heather, grassland), the so-called wildland-urban-interface (WUI) fires. With this clear purpose in mind the workshop served to establish a discussion on a more in-depth collaboration and ways to emphasize the consortium’s strengths, even beyond the frame of the project.

We would like to thank all the participants for their noteworthy contributions as well as our partners from RISE Fire Research AS, Ragni Fjellgaard Mikalsen and Edvard Aamodt, for the great presentation of the pilot.

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