It was a joy to take part in the EUFireProjectsUnited’s first Joint Dissemination Workshop, which was held virtually on January 23, 2023. This initiative is launched by Firelogue CSA project and aims to support the clustering and cooperation among the EU Fire projects, the integration of research results and the extensive and structured knowledge exchange in the fight against wildfire.
During the workshop all projects that are part of the EUFireProjectsUnited’s initiative presented their achievements of the previous year, which sparked interesting discussions among the attendees. Along with TREEADS, the other projects that are part of this clustering initiative include SILVANUS, TREEADS, FIRERES, FirEUrisk, SAFERS, FIRElinks and FIRE-IN.

This online workshop was opened and moderated by Ms Sofia Oikonomou as the Firelogue’s representative and was attended by almost 70 people, members of the associated projects, scientists and other stakeholders.
During the workshop, the most significant TREEADS results were highlighted. The collaboration with WFRM initiatives, the Climate Change & Biodiversity Working Group, and the seminars held to comprehend the wildfire lifecycle were initially underlined (prevention and preparedness, detection and response, and adaption and restoration).
The presentation focused on the ongoing progress within each wildfire phase, such as the research on the probabilistic fire model and the economic loss estimation model, the organization of workshops with local stakeholders of the identification of the most pressing wildfire-related issues, and the collection and categorization of wildfire mitigation guidelines and standards, fire management platforms and tools.
The presentation also highlighted the creation of a roadmap for developing and implementing the TREEADS wildfire models and services and the combination of different technologies that will contribute to one or more of each pilot’s objectives. The presentation concluded with the current project’s status regarding the pilot campaigns, where phase one has started and the lessons learnt will provide feedback for the project’s stepwise adaption and improvement of the technologies and the TREEADS platform.
After all the project presentations, a Miro board with questions was presented and all participants were encouraged to post questions and answers collaboratively to spark interesting discussions on ways to create synergies and create a space for a fruitful dialogue.
We would like to thank all the EU Fire Projects for the outstanding collaboration.